Sunday, 27 May 2012

The Lounge Boy

"Serve the drinks, and take the tips from the punters", thats what the boss said the night young Silvio started as a lounge boy in the local boozer. Nowhere in the contract did it stipulate, that I would be required to throw womens knickers, at travelling artistes who happened to be playing in the lounge on any given night. But, that's exactly what happened  the night Joe Dolan came to town. There were plenty of punters in, but most of them were supping from bottles of vodka in their handbags, so tips were few and far between. That all changed when one old dear called Silvio over, and stuffed a pair of white ladies briefs in his hand along with a tenner, then whispered, "Throw them at Joe, like a good lad". How could I refuse!. I got Joe square in the face as he sang the chorus of  'You're such a good lookin' woman'. That's when the flood gates opened. I was rushed off my feet. The knickers kept comin' after that, as did the tips, and young Silvio perfected his throwing technique over the course of the evening, much to Joe's annoyance. Needless to say, the manager never did get Joe back, his fans just weren't drinking enough. Young Silvio was the only one making money that night, as Joe swerved to avoid another direct hit. That was one crap night Joe never forgot, for a linen basket full of reasons.

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