Sunday, 2 October 2011

The Fire Escape Caper

Definitely one of the crappiest jobs I've ever had. I was working in a well known hostelry in Dublin when the manager caught me by surprise and asked me to carry all the double beds down from the top floor to the bottom." No probs", replies Silvio," I'll just get someone to give me a hand". Then the boss says "bring them all down the fire escape Silvio, we don't want to be troubling the guests as they're going up the stairs". The job had just shifted from the mild headache category into the major migraine division. Anyway, everything went O.K to begin with, we got three King size beds down by 9.30a.m, bases and mattresses and we decided we'd try for one more before heading for the tea. I hadn't had much of a breakfast to start with and was beginning to feel the weaker for it. We carried a King size mattress to the top of the fire escape fully intending to carry it down to the car-park below, when suddenly I slipped, and accidentally pushed the mattress out the door. I heard a scream from outside, and the noise of someone falling quickly down flights of aluminium stairs. The mattress quickly followed, as I tried to regain my foothold and hold in the laughter. The boss arrived, accused my mate of lying down on the job and sacked him. I left soon after. That was one crap job I'll never forget!!!.

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